Coming Event Sponsor

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Now even better.
Check it out at the bottom of this page.



The club was founded in 1958 and, ever since, has run events for car enthusiasts who enjoy the challenge of testing their driving skills in an amicably competitive yet safe environment.

RSCC hosts local autocrosses throughout the year. Autocrosses, are the purest and safest form of competitive driving. They are run on wide, open courses -- usually at Orvil Wilson Park, in Fairhaven. Courses are designed and are setup differently for every autocross using chalk and cone markers. Only one car is on course at one time. Drivers are timed as they negotiate the course to the best of their cars' and their own abilities. Speeds are low and wear on the cars is minimal.

Besides providing fun and the excitement of quick controlled driving, autocross teaches precision, cornering, breaking, acceleration, distance judgment and other driving skills that make autocrossers safer and more responsible drivers on public roads.

2006 Class Winners

Coming This Weekend...

Don't miss our first event of 2007.
The weekend of January 27th and 28th is our first event of the 2007 season.

These events will be non points events and are open to anyone interested in attending.

We will have lunches available to purchase on both days at a cost of only $5.00

Lunch will include (2) slices of PIZZA from Big Louie's Pizzeria,
chips, candy bar and a drink.

Lunch will include (2) Homemade Tomales,
(beef, chicken or pork) and will also include
chips, candy bar and a drink.

Election Results from the 12/11/2006
General Meeting
for the 2007 officers are as follows...

(Won by a coin toss)
Tina Johnson

Vice President:
Mike Hendriks

& Recording Secretary:
Claire Turney

Laura Plant

Newsletter Editor:
David Price

Doug Pulver

Board of Directors:
David Price
Doug Pulver
Oliver Taylor
Dave Turney
Alt. Brett Gronemeyer


We have made a change in our event start times!!!

We will now be opening the gates at
8:30 a.m.
Registration will be at
8:45 - 9:30
Tech Inspection is at
8:45 - 9:45
Drivers Meeting at
Timed runs are to follow...

We are hoping that this will make it easier for our out of town drivers, and those of us who just aren't morning people to make it to the events with a little more time to get rested before an exciting day of autocrossing.

Hope to see you there!

President Tina Johnson at

or the Webmaster at


